Saturday 13 August – 22 h – Plaza de los Presos, Alhama
“Somewhere in Granada, Alhama, commemorating Miguel de Cervantes and his passing through and writings about Alhama”.
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He arrived to the IES Alhama on 1 September 2005 teaching for over ten years car electronics subject to secondary and baccalaureate students. He coordinated the Library project from its beginning and the Communication and technology project. As part of the management committee of the school, he has had the opportunity and responsibility to participate in the refurbishment of the IES Alhama.
For his important contribution to Alhama as an educator and for his commitment to youth, Miguel Angel Santaella Leal was unanimously voted to receive one of the “Premios of Alhama 2015” and also unanimously has been voted to be the guest of honour on the XX Velada de los Romances
“Somewhere in Granada, Alhama”, is a brief but very meaningful show where the audience dives, through the strong voice and personality of the actor Victor Burgos, into the words of Miguel de Cervantes reading from the famous works, where we meet Sancho, Dulcinea, the beautiful Galatea and himself Don Quixote de la Mancha.
The music, creates the magic and the context where the event takes place, through the performance of Arturo Cid and Pedro Andrade, maybe the best jazz musicians in the country.
Their capacity to improvise capturing the public energy and touching people´s sensibility as the performance develops guarantees the enjoyment of the evening; moreover, they play a variety of instruments included in their repertoire emphasising the text launched by the actor and the character of each piece.
1.- Romance of the “Moro alcaide, moro alcaide”.
2.- Musical Opening.
3.- Somewhere in la Mancha.
4.- Don Quixote versus the Giants (The windmills).
5.- Musical Interlude.
6.- The Galatea (Galatea´s Sonet).
7.- From Sancho Panza to the inland medic.
8.- Letter from Don Quixote to Dulcinea.
9.- Epitaph of Don Quixote.
10.- Romance “Ay de mi Alhama”.