After the success of the first edition last year, with 14 participants from 11 countries, the concejalía of Culture and Tourism organises the second edition of this event, aimed to strengthen ties and increase the presence of the international community in the activities organised by the Ayuntamiento de Alhama who would like the integration and participation of all citizens.
Therefore we extend this invitation to all to participate and attend the day´s events.
To enrol to take part in any of the activities, please go to the Tourism office until the 3rd November, indicating if you want to participate in the gastronomy contest or the football match.
We kindly invite all attendees to bring one kilo of non perishable foods to be donated to the food bank collection.
Activities programme
12:00 h. International football match
13:00 h. Reception of participants to the Gastronomy contest “Preparation of a typical dish of your country”. (place: Patio del Carmen)
14:30 h. Popular meal at token prices for all attendees.
Contact and more information
Mail: Esta dirección de correo electrónico está siendo protegida contra los robots de spam. Necesita tener JavaScript habilitado para poder verlo.
Tel: 958 360 686
Alina Strong: 677 219 094
Tel: 958 360 686
Alina Strong: 677 219 094

Imagen del encuentro del pasado año
“II Gastronomy Contest Prepare a typical dish of your country”
As part of the II Gathering of the International Community Resident in Alhama de Granada taking place next 5th November, the Concejalía de Cultura and Tourism of the Ayuntamiento de Alhama de Granada, calls all gastronomy enthusiasts to participate in the ”II Gastronomy Contest Prepare a typical dish of your country”.
As part of the II Gathering of the International Community Resident in Alhama de Granada taking place next 5th November, the Concejalía de Cultura and Tourism of the Ayuntamiento de Alhama de Granada, calls all gastronomy enthusiasts to participate in the ”II Gastronomy Contest Prepare a typical dish of your country”.
The objective of this contest is the development of multicultural interaction based on the gastronomic abilities of the international residents in the municipality.
1. Participation is open to any person over 18 years old who lives in Alhama de Granada.
2. The interested people can enrol at the Tourism Office bringing with you a copy of the recipe of the dish you are entering to the contest, to include your name, country, name of dish, ingredients and recipe.
3. The jury will include the winner of the I edition, a member of the Ayuntamiento and one representative of the Women´s Association of Alhama.
4. On Sunday 5th November, each participant will present their dish at 12:30 h. at the Ayuntamiento.
5. The Ayuntamiento of Alhama will give a diploma and a gift to all participants and the jury will decide the order in which to award prizes to the winner, runner up and third place dishes.
1st prize: Accommodation for one night on a double room with breakfast included or a meal for two for the value up to €50 at el Ventorro Hospederia Rural.
2nd prize: Accommodation for one night on a double room with breakfast included at Cortijo Las Montoras.
3rd prize: A meal for the value of €30 at Bar el Tigre.
6. The organisation reserves the right to cancel or modify these basis and to declare void the award of some or all prizes.